When using web services, users are often requested to provide their identity attributes, such as name, age, mail address, phone number, social security number, as well as private attributes such as education, ethnicity, medical history, and marriage status. Users also have to manage their accounts on various web services.

Identity management is aimed at supporting users in deciding whether or not to disclose an attribute to a web service. Whether the web service is trustworthy is an issue, and deciding an appropriate level of disclosure, namely whether to release the real-world identity or only net identity, is another issue, occurring in privacy negotiation. We focus on evaluating the risk of disclosing a group of private attributes so that users can be alerted of high risk behaviors. Our approach is to incorporate the real-world knowledge on privacy risk, through building a privacy attribute ontology that has risk values attached to each concept, and evaluate the risk though similarity matching between the ontology and disclosing attributes. Our framework can be incorporated into distributed identity providers as well as personal card-style identity management.
•科学技術振興機構(JST) 戦略的国際科学技術協力推進事業 日本-米国研究交流課題「重要情報基盤保護」分野,「アイデンティティ連携におけるリスクを考慮した個人情報共有方式」